
What mailing lists are out there related to this field?


From: fullerr@cgsvax.claremont.edu
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1993 01:33:05 GMT

You are invited to participate in STUDENTS.CHI.  The SIGCHI Extended
Executive Committee (EEC) and Xerox (the corporate sponsor of the CHI
email distribution lists) have approved the creation of STUDENTS.CHI as
a new distribution channel within the HCI community:  Any comments
sent to "STUDENTS.CHI@XEROX.COM" will be distributed free of charge to
all of the other participants.

The objective of STUDENTS.CHI is to distribute information and
share perspectives of particular concern to students involved in any
aspect of the human factors and computing field.  The Human-Computer
Interaction field (HCI) focuses on the research, design, development and
evaluation of human-computer communication and interaction.

The students involved in human factors and computing represent a unique
multidisciplinary and multicultural group.  Some of the disciplines
included are Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Computer Science, Cognitive
Science, Design, Economics, Education, Engineering, Human Factors,
Information Sciences, Mathematics, Media Studies, Physics, and Psychology.
Participants come from all continents, except Antarctica.

Traditionally, conferences have provided the only opportunity for "HCI"
students to share information with other students.  Although there are now
a number of these in North America and in Europe (CHI, Interact, UIST, CSCW,
ECSCW, IWIUI, HCI international, BCS HCI  and OZCHI) the cost of attending
is prohibitive, and only a small percentage of students can afford to go
to these conferences.  The STUDENTS.CHI list will be an alternative
means of sharing information and perspectives.

Some of the specific goals of STUDENTS.CHI for the next year will be:

1.  To distribute information of particular concern to students and
the human factors and computing field.  This information will include:

        *  Calls for student volunteers
        *  Information on available funding and scholarships
        *  Information regarding university HCI programs
        *  Lists of thesis and dissertations in progress

2.  To serve as a forum for students to share ideas about methods and
practices within HCI.  Graduate students are often working toward the
completion of a project or a thesis.  Waiting until the next HCI
conference to talk to other students who may be working on the same
ideas is often not convenient or possible.  STUDENTS.CHI could also
serve as a intermediate posting for experimental results, as well as a
means of distributing abstracts from recently finished dissertations.
Students can also use the list to locate other students working on particular
topics and to find out about available resources within the HCI community.

3.  To foster a greater understanding of the complexity of human
computer interaction through increased communication.  No one
discipline or culture holds the "key" to HCI, and an understanding of
the interrelationships and incompatibilities of the many disciplines
and cultures involved in CHI should result in better research and

Students are also reminded of the other distribution lists that ACM
SIGCHI and Xerox maintain. Lists offering information and announcements
relevant to CHI as well as discussion on a wide variety of topics are
open to all students.  Of particular interest to you might be:

announcements.chi       Broadcasts messages of general interest
educators.chi           Discussion of education in HCI issues
ii.chi                  Messages related to intelligent interfaces
intercultural.chi       Cross-cultural issues and SIGCHI
socialaction.chi        Discussion of CHI-related Social Issues
techprogram.chi         Long range planning of CHI conf. program
vision.chi              Discussions related to the future of SIGCHI

As a final note:  Please try and enroll into STUDENTS.CHI (and all of
the other CHI lists maintained at Xerox.com) with a permanent email
address.  If a large percentage of students enroll with addresses that
change every semester then it will overwhelm the list manager at Xerox.
Many schools give students computer (and email) access only when enrolled
in a computer/information science course. Some system administrators
will allow students that can demonstrate need to have more permanent
computer accounts.  You may want to ask a faculty member for guidance.

How to enroll:
Send a list of the CHI lists that you want to receive to Nick Briggs
at "Registrar.chi@xerox.com".

<Unless otherwise specified all participants on any CHI list will receive

If you have any questions regarding this call for participation and
the information contained within please contact me:

Rodney Fuller
Department of Psychology
Claremont Graduate School
Claremont, CA 91711 USA
fullerr@cgsvax.claremont.edu -or- fullerr@clargrad.bitnet

From: huff@stolaf.edu (Charles Huff)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 18:11:24 -0400

MacPsych is a mailing list of psychologists and others interested in using 
the Macintosh in research and teaching.

To have yourself added to the list, or  if  you  have  any  administrative
concerns about the list, please send mail to:


Mail sent to this address will be automatically routed to Chuck Huff.

The  intention of this service is to provide quick  and  authoritative
(we  hope)  answers  to  questions raised by Mac-using researchers and
teachers in psychology.     This  is  not  a  bulletin  board  in  the
traditional sense, nor is it an edited journal.  It is intended solely
as  a  way  for  Mac enthusiasts to share  information.    Of  course,
you're  free to drop out at any time if it is of little or no value to
you.  We have  already  added an  archive  of  some  free    Macintosh
software  that  has  been written by members of the group, and you can
get information about  this   archive      by   sending   mail      to
macpsych-request@stolaf.edu   If you would rather just ftp immediately
to the archive, the ftp address is ftp.stolaf.edu and the  archive  is
in the directory  pub/macpsych   Soon, Macintosh software that appears
in the journal "Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers"
will be available through the MacPsych archive.

The  MacPsych  mailing  list began at the Mac user group meeting held at
the annual conference of the Society for Computers in Psychology  (SCiP)
in November,  1990  in New Orleans.  Richard Lehman chaired the session,
and during the course of the evening,  Chuck  Huff  and  Blake  Sobiloff
offered to set up a mailing list on the St.  Olaf College system.  Since
that beginning with 25 or so people, we have grown to our  present  size
of over 300 addresses in something over a dozen countries.  The mailings
reach  more  than  those  300  locations,  because  a  number   of   the
international   and   local   addresses  are  in  fact  remailing  sites

And now for a standard disclaimer:  The MacPsych discussion  list  and
the MacPsych  archive  is   a  service  provided  with the endorsement
of the  Society  for  Computers  in  Psychology  (SCiP).    SCiP,  the
operators of  the list,  St.    Olaf    College,    and    the journal
"Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers" make no claims
concerning  the  accuracy  or correctness    of   any  information  or
computer  code  contained herein. Individual files in the archive  may
contain  more  explicit  information about  the  level of support that
can be expected from the author  of  any  software  available  in  the
archive.  For  information  about  becoming  a member      of    SCiP,
please   contact   Doug Eamon, University of Wisconsin at  Whitewater,
Whitewater, WI, 53190 EAMOND@UWWVAX.UWW.EDU

Please let us know what you think of our list and service.

From: "Andrew Michael Cohill" <cohill@vt.edu>
Date: Wed, 25 May 1994 12:04:21 -0400

The CSTG-L mailing list serves the members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 
Society (HFES) Computer Systems Technical Group (CSTG), as well as anyone else 
interested in computer systems and ergonomics.  

The COMMS-L mailing list serves the members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 
Society (HFES) Communications Technical Group (CTG). CTG members are interested 
in a wide range of communications issues as they relate to human factors and 

The VISUAL-L mailing list serves the members of the Visual Design Special 
Interest Area (SIA) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special 
Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI), as well as anyone else 
interested in the visual aspects of interfaces or other visually-oriented design
issues in computer systems.

The ORGDES-L mailing list serves the members of the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society (HFES) Organizational Design and Management Technical Group (ODAM), as 
well as anyone else interested in a broad range of organizational design and 
organizational behavior issues as they relate to human factors and ergonomics.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the any of the lists, use the instructions below.
Be sure to substitute the correct name of the list (comms-L, visual-L, 
cstg-L, orgdes-L etc) for the name used in the example.  Note that the character
after the dash is the letter 'L', not the numeral '1'.

Common LISTSERV commands

All the commands listed below should be formatted as a single line in the body 
of an email message (for any of the mailing lists) sent to:


Subscribing to the list           subscribe     cstg-L    "your full name here"

Unsubscribing to the list         signoff   visual-L

Get more information              info   ?

Get a reference card              info  refcard

Find out about other lists        list     short|global

Query options                     query   comms-L

Set options                       set visual-l   options

Find out about files              index

Obtain a file                     get   filename filetype

A Common Mistake

One of the most common errors LISTSERV users make is to reply to the list 
when they really intend to reply to the sender of the message.  Most mail 
readers with a reply function will automatically generate an address for 
you, but the address will be to the list (visual-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu), not 
the sender of the message, even though the email address of the sender 
may appear somewhere in the header.

What this means is that if Joe Jones posts a note about something to the 
list, and you want to reply *only* to Joe, be sure to edit the address of 
your mail message to change it from VISUAL-L to Joe's email address.  

While making this mistake is often just amusing to list members, it can 
sometimes be very embarrassing to the sender when your private email is 
mistakenly broadcast to three hundred people.

Changing your email address

If your email address changes, first unsubscribe from the list using your 
old email account, then resubscribe using your new email account

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