
Where can I get online information on HCI / Human Factors in Computing?


From: Gary Perlman <perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Sun, 15 May 1994 18:16:17 -0400

Frequently Asked/Answered Questions (FAQ) for HCI Materials at OSU.

Since most FAQs can be answered in the HCI Bibliography,
the following may help orient people to the available materials,
particularly the compilations of information such as basic readings,
organizations, conference, journals, videos, and educational materials.

    The following will use the WWW URL (World Wide Web Uniform
    Resource Locator) notation for files, so:
    refers to the file "README" in the directory "/pub/hcibib"
    at the ftp site "archive.cis.ohio-state.edu".

Human-Computer Interaction, broadly speaking, addresses any interaction with
computers by humans, as developers or as users, as individuals or as groups.

"Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design,
evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for
human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them."
    ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction, 1992, p. 5 

HCI Bibliography: Is there an online bibliography on HCI?

Basic Readings:   What books do people recommend on HCI?  User Interfaces?
Organizations:    What are the professional organizations for HCI?
Conferences:      What conferences are there on HCI?
Journals:         What journals are there on HCI?
Videos:           What videos are there on HCI?
Publishers:       Who publishes/Journals books on HCI?
ACM CR Keywords:  Is there a taxonomy of HCI?

Educational Resources

Education Survey: Where can someone get educated about HCI?
    The report files, program?.rpt, faculty?.rpt, and courses?.rpt,
    summarize the data in the files on individual programs.
    The ? stands for A (American) or O (Others).
HCI Curricula:    Where can I get ACM SIGCHI curricular recommendations?
    The report of the SIGCHI Curriculum Development Group is available
    as plain text and Microsoft Word RTF (Rich Text Format).
SEI UI Module:    Where can I get the SEI module on user interfaces?
    The Software Engineering Institute Curriculum module on
    UI Development is designed to help design a first course.

Guidelines and Standards:

MITRE Guidelines: Where can I get the Smith and Mosier UI Guidelines?
    The Smith and Mosier (1986) guidelines as tagged text and PostScript.
MIL-STD-1472D:    Where can I get MIL-STD-1472?
    This is Andy Cohen's HyperCard stack of the U.S. Department
    of Defense "MIL-STD-1472D: Human Engineering Design Criteria..."
    It has cleverly designed interactive figures and tables.
Styleguides:     Where can I get the styleguide for platform ___?
    This file of suggested readings has a list of styleguides for
    many of the most popular platforms (e.g., Mac, Windows, X-Windows).

From: pfoltz@rumpus.colorado.edu (Peter Foltz)
Date: Fri Apr 8 13:34:08 1994

** Please note:  Due to some problems, the hcibib address has been **
** moved back to rumpus.colorado.edu from bellcore.com             **

            The HCIBIB mail-based retrieval system

                        How to use the system

HCIBIB is a publically accessible mail-based retrieval system for
searching Human-Computer Interaction journals, conference proceedings
and books.  Users can send mail to the system and it will send mail
back (about 5 minutes later) with an ordered list of the top articles
in the database that match your query.  Users can send in both word
queries and relevance feedback queries.

                        Sending Word Queries:

To send word queries, send mail to hcibib@rumpus.colorado.edu. The
format of the mail must be that the first line of the text contains
"query:" followed by query words.  An example would be:

query: menu based interfaces

You should get mail back with the an ordered list of the top articles
in the database that match your query.  The system uses Latent
Semantic Indexing (LSI) for the matching, so "ors" and "ands" can not
be used.  LSI does matching based on the semantic content of the
words, which avoids some of the problems found in using direct keyword
matching (See the CHI 88 article on LSI for more information). Words
from the bibliographic entry, including author's name, title, keywords
and abstract are indexed for each entry and may be used for the query.
Words in the text that directly match your query words will be
capitalized, however you may still receive relevant articles that
don't contain any of your query words.  Multiple queries can be sent
in one mail message by putting each one on a separate line.

                Sending Relevance Feedback Queries:

Relevance feedback retrieval can now also be used by specifying
searches on abstracts that are similar to ones that you find relevant.
When you do a normal word retrieval (e.g. query: menu systems), each
abstract that is returned from the query has a number associated with
it.  If you find a particular abstract relevant, you can now send a
query of that abstract number or multiple abstract numbers.  This will
return a list of abstracts that are similar to the original abstract(s).
The syntax for this is:
query: #1801 #561
This will return a list of abstracts that are similar to abstracts 1801
and 561 (both on menu systems).  Combining words and abstract numbers
does not work though and gives unpredictable results.

        Specifying the number of abstracts you want returned:

By default, the top 12 abstracts matching a query will be returned.
If you would like to have a fewer or greater number of abstracts
returned, put:
return: N
on its own line of the mail message.  N must be an integer
representing the number of abstracts you want returned to you.

                        What is in the database?

The database now contains 3024 abstracts related to HCI from Gary
Perlman's HCIBIB collection.  The database currently contains the
following abstracts:
ACM CHI                                         1982-1991
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)      1988,1990
Document Processing Systems                     1988
European Hypertext (ECHT)                       1990
Empirical Studies of Programmers                1986,1987,1991
Hypertext                                       1987,1989,1991
INTERACT                                        1984,1987,1990
Information Retrieval (IR)                      1988-1881
Office Information Systems (OIS)                1990
User Interface Software & Technology (UIST)     1988-1991

Behaviour and Information Technology            1982-1991
Human-Computer Interaction                      1985-1991
Intl. Journal of HCI                            1989-1991
Intl. Journal of Man-Machine Studies            1988-1991
Interacting with Computers                      1989-1991
ACM Trans. on Graphics                          1986
ACM Trans. Office Info. Systems                 1983-1988
ACM Trans. Info. Systems                        1989-1991

138 Books and Reports on HCI
Chapters from Helander's Handbook of HCI
Chapters from Salvendy's Handbook of Human Factors

                        OTHER INFORMATION

Special thanks to Bellcore for the use of the LSI retrieval software,
and to Gary Perlman for organizing and maintaining the HCIBIB
archives.  Thanks also to Jonathan Cook for some of the programming.

I will be updating the database as more information becomes available.
This system was built for research purposes, so while I do not plan on
providing a lot of support for this system, I will be happy to receive
comments on how the system works, problems that people encounter, and
suggestions for improvements.
  Please send comments to

From: Gary Perlman <perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Sun, 15 May 1994 18:16:17 -0400

I think it is _critical_ to make it clear that the database at Colorado [described above] contains about 25% of what is in the HCIBIB, because people I have talked to "think" they are searching the HCIBIB.

From: desroche@esu.edu (Kenneth Des Rochers)
Date: 16 Feb 1994 21:23:07 GMT

This group is about HCI as well as user interface design. You can not have one without the other. I am currently working on a thesis related to "Code generation of user interfaces". I have found a lot of information at the following sources. You may also wish to try a program called "Mosaic", it is a search tool for the internet and has produced some excellent results for me.

My sources are:
/* Visualization info */
ftp ftp.uml.edu

/* lots of examples and books */

/* X Stuff */

/* Examples from many sources: X, Xresource, Byte, Dr Dobbs, etc. */

/* Carnegie Mellon University Sites */
ftp.cs.cmu.edu          School of Computer Science
ftp.sei.cmu.edu         Software Engineering Institute
reports.adm.cs.cmu.edu  reports for School of CS for CMU

These are most of the beginning sites I can think of!

If you find any gold mines please let me know!

From: weh@sei.cmu.edu (Bill Hefley)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 18:38:19 EST

Here's some other sites you might consider---especially if you're running Mosaic, and get get access to the HTTP sites. The HCI Bibliography doesn't have full text articles, but it has tons of citations and abstracts.

HCI Launching Pad

The HCI Bibliography Project

Lewis & Rieman's new book on HCI

Georgia Tech's
Human-Machine Systems Research Center -

Georgia Tech's Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center

LUTCHI Research Centre at
Loughborough University of Technology

From: ben@cs.umd.edu (Ben Shneiderman)
Date: Sun Apr 3 23:31:15 1994

                  How to get information via FTP about the
                Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL)
                   University of Maryland at College Park

1.  Connect with ftp to the machine ftp.cs.umd.edu like this:
        % ftp ftp.cs.umd.edu

2.  Log in as anonymous and give your complete e-mail address as the password:
        Name (ftp.cs:carm): anonymous
           Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
        password:  userid@machine.univ.edu    [for example]

3.  Change directory to pub/hcil:
        ftp> cd pub/hcil

4.  Look around and get whatever you want, the README file may be helpful:
        ftp> ls -l
        ftp> get README
        ftp> mget filename1 filename2 ...

If you need help, ask your Unix-knowledgeable colleagues.
If they are not available, send e-mail to hcil-info@cs.umd.edu

From: huff@stolaf.edu (Charles Huff)
Date: June 15, 1992

The  MacPsych  archive was  established  as   a      repository
for information that is   relevant    to   psychologists  who use or
work with Macintosh(TM) computers. Some of the  software  and  files
archived here  have been  described  in the journal "Behavior Research
Methods, Instruments,  and  Computers."    Look  for   references   in
individual files  to  determine these.

We have  already  added an  archive  of  some  free    Macintosh
software  that  has  been written by members of the group, and you can
get information about  this   archive      by   sending   mail      to

If you would rather just ftp immediately to the archive, the ftp address is:


and the  archive  is in the directory:


Soon, Macintosh software that appears in the journal "Behavior Research 
Methods, Instruments, and Computers" will be available through the MacPsych 

If  you  wish  to add something to this site, or you encounter
problems, please   send mail to   "macpsych-request@stolaf.edu". The
file Archive_Rules.txt  contains the standards for submission of
programs and files to the archive.  We heartily encourage submission
of software  and files of interest to psychologists who use the

Please read and respect the level of support that is associated with
any file.  The levels of support currently recognized are:

   FULL SUPPORT    (questions probably answered, bug fixes and
                       updates provided, etc.)
   PARTIAL SUPPORT (easy or intriguing questions may be
                       answered, only catastrophic bugs fixed,
                       updates if you feel like it)
   MINIMAL SUPPORT (some mail queries answered)
   NO SUPPORT      (don't ever bother them for anything)

Date: Tue Mar 29 00:10:35 1994
From: weh@SEI.CMU.EDU

For HCI information, there are some web sites that you might want to include in the FAQ.

Here is a specific URL. A URL - Uniform Resource Locator - which can be used to identify any unique resource on the Internet.


[ Note: Above WWW page was done by Hans de Graaff of Delft University. His email address is: J.J.deGraaff@IS.TWI.TUDelft.NL ]

For those who don't know what a URL is, the http: identifies the protocol (in this case, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used by World Wide Web and Mosaic), the www.twi.tudelft.nl identifies the specific host (in the informatics area at the Technical University Delft, in the Netherlands), and the Local... identifies the path to the item that you want.

It would be accessible using a World-Wide Web client like Lynx (a character -based interface) or Mosaic ( a graphical interface available from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu for X Windows, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh platforms).

comp.human-factors faq WWW page: